I’m excited to start thinking ahead to my next adventure – on Aconcagua. Besides looking forward to a fantastic trip, I’m figuring out how I can combine two of my main interests, outdoor/endurance adventure and science/engineering. With increasing interest across a variety of industries in technologies for “extreme environments”, this seems entirely reasonable to me. Then again, I have been told by well-meaning individuals that my standards of “reasonable” are a bit warped.
Be that as it may, I’m currently talking with several companies / labs to evaluate which technology(ies) make the most sense to take with me and to field test or use for data gathering at altitude. Altitude is of particular interest to me both as a pilot and as an outdoor / mountain athlete. In addition, being in this environment for 3 weeks provides a great outdoor laboratory for certain technologies.
No decisions have been made yet… so if you have any suggestions or a favorite new sensor or something else in development that makes sense to try out at 15,000 – over 22,000 feet, please let me know!
Image by Bjørn Christian Tørrissen (2016)
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