Interim management engagements are intended to be transitional and typically last 6 months – 2 years. Examples in which I helped companies thrive in difficult transitions include:

  • Engineering Managementtransformed contract development company into SaaS company, with launch of first product and creation of product portfolio
  • Engineering Managementtransformed product development process, increasing key quality metrics and customer satisfaction
  • Technology Management – managed offshore engineering projects to align with overall business strategy
  • VP Products – turned around and managed relationships with Fortune 500 and state agency customers – reversed loss of profits in each relationship
  • CEO – managed turnaround, sold VC-funded IT company to private buyer
  • VP Technology – integrated previously outsourced technology development, implemented agile methodologies and implemented product release schedules (thus shortening effective release times for quality-controlled releases) with estim. 50% increase in quality metrics and customer satisfaction
  • General Management – assessed company operations, leading to management of turnaround and resulting in sale of company to private buyer
  • Management – turned around failed regulatory strategy
  • Engineering Management – led transition from custom software contractor to product development company, with applications in medicine, manufacturing, augmented reality (AR)
  • Engineering Management – assessed and integrated newly acquired technologies into existing product portfolio of software company
  • Engineering Management – integrated acquired $MM technology into product portfolio (selling at $100-400K/customer), implemented formal but flexible product development cycles, resulting in estim. 20% increase in productivity and profitability